TEAM NOMINATIONS DUE FOR SUBMISSION BY FEB 21st We’ve streamlined the process for our dedicated, volunteer registrars that put in a massive effort at this time every year, AND made it super easy for our valued coaches & team managers that must help with this important task 👇 SIMPLY CLICK ON THE BUTTON BELOW AND WE’LL DO THE REST! CLICK HERE TO COMPLETE & SUBMIT YOUR TEAM NOMINATION A FRIENDLY REMINDER FOR THE FORMATION OF YOUR SQUAD NUMBERS ![]() U6-U7: 4 on field (with a max of 7 players for 3 subs) U8-U9: 7 on field (with a max of 10 players for 3 subs) U10-U11: 9 on field (with a max of 12 players for 3 subs) U12’s +: 11 on field (with 15-16 players for a good mix!) DO YOU HAVE ENOUGH PLAYERS FOR YOUR SQUAD? YOU CAN REGISTER ONLINE OR COME TO ONE OF OUR REGO DAYS! If you have your PUFC team gear already (that is if your shorts & socks still fit from the last season you played!) you may just wish to register online at – just make sure you have secured your Active Kids voucher beforehand (all school age kids are eligible) & have the voucher number handy. CLICK HERE TO SECURE YOUR ACTIVE KIDS VOUCHER We highly recommend you click here before you perform your online registration, the notes on this page are well worth reading & help take out the guess work 👌 ⚽️ As a returning player (of FFA accredited football or futsal) use your previous login email address to make sure you access your existing profile. If you have forgotten your password don’t worry, you can retrieve it in the system. ⚽️ If you’re a new player it’s easy to create a Football Account in order to register… the system will take you through the steps & you’ll be on your way. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER ONLINE @PLAYFOOTBALLIf you encounter any issues accessing your account DO NOT CREATE A NEW ONE! Instead please contact playfootball for support (10am-5pm M-F): Email: Phone: 02 8880 7983 ![]() If you are new to the PUFC family &/or do need team gear – or just want to have a chat face to face! – we suggest you come along to one of our rego days at COAST2COAST (35 Uralla Rd PMQ) on this Saturday February 6th or next Saturday February 13th, we’ll be there from 9am to 5pm to register you online at one of our digital rego service stations & help in any way we can! ![]() Whether you’re looking for shorts & socks to play in, or wanting some supporter gear, we have it all here. And don’t worry… if you miss out for any reason, or can’t make it to one of the rego days, we now have an online shop to grab your gear from, 24/7. We’re already restocking supplies & soon we’ll have our new jerseys ready to go. It’s all happening! ⚽️⚽️⚽️To everyone that has emailed the club with an individual player request, we appreciate your patience! Once the team forms are in & that huge puzzle starts being pieced together we can then begin slotting players into teams, & will of course accommodate specific requests wherever possible. Stay tuned & we’ll be in touch just as soon as we can 🙂 |